Type of Hop:an Aroma Hop
Used In: Beglain-Style Ales, Lagers, Pilsners, Weizens, Altbier, Lambic, Kölsch, Munich Helles
Flavors: Earthy, Herbal
Alpha Acids: 3.5% - 6.5%
Substitutes: Mt. Hood, Liberty, Crystal, German Hallertau, German Tradition
If you're strictly looking at our friend Webster's definition of noble (righteous, virtuous, good), we would like to submit that indeed ALL hops are noble.
Alas, our inner beer nerds will not allow us to deviate from the true beer definition. Noble hops are those with a high amount of humulene and low alpha acids. The four true noble hops are Terrnanger, Spalt, Saaz and Hallertau.
Hallertau is about as recognizable as any, and its noble characteristic of high aromatic qualities, and an Alpha Acid rating of 3.5%-5.5%) makes it a prime candidate for late additions and dry hopping.
Hallertau is historically found in German lagers, and German beer through the generations is described with Hallertau's flavor and aroma profile. Because it fits Bavarian style requirement, this hop has longevity.
Hallertau has suffered in recent years due to its susceptibility to the disease German Wilt. While it is not as abundant as it once was, variations from breeding programs keep this hop family in abundant supply. Hallertau variations include Hallertaur Aroma, Hallertaur Tradition, Hallertaur Magnum, Hallertaur Mittelfrüh, Hallertaur Taurus, Pacific Hallertaur and U.S. Hallertaur.
The Hallertau family is found in lagers and ales alike. Hallertau presents an earthy, spicy bitterness that is a great addition to many beer types.
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